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My Diary


You are most welcome to look around...

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sch started for 2 week. So far sch was great,now can understand why got ppl told me that they were lose after SOT. I am begaining to feel it n it is only te 2nd week..=.=
10 books to finish n I completed 2, my team mate say I am fast but actually I am not coz deadline is 28 June -I target to finish 1 book per week, so actually I am not fast, I am just planning ahead, that's wat all my ushers leaders always taught-a leader must be able to forsee the things that may take place n start to think before hand how to overcome those problem. But some how I just can't forsee the problem tat will take place during ushering haha...I can onli forsee for my studies, mst have 1 month grace for others things...

And my mock cg is comin up in a month time, got 1 month to prepare, offering/wamth & worship..dl the eveluator form n under worship there were some points- "coordination with guitarist", "sense of rhythm and vocal quailty","are the songs in the right key?","spiritual atmosphere","facial expression & body posture" o.O faint~really need the grace of God. God HELP!!!

Buzy week recently, hope the coming week will have more time for myself..hee...

writtern @10:20 PM

School start
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Woohoo!! Tomorrow is the day...School start!!! haha..so excited already..tml will be having briefing, orientation n lunch. Will play games around Jurong area..praise the lord!! coz no need to travel far, save by youth meeting..lol...after that should be go hm rest a while b4 travel down for youth meeting..hee..going to be fun..

writtern @8:44 PM

Plants vs Zombies Music Video

Yeah..I finished playing Plant vs zombies n i like this video..haha..I like 1.01-1.15 n 1.55-2.08, 2.01 funniest...lol...

writtern @8:24 PM

learning, gaming n activity
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Yeah!! I figure out how to setup an google group ytd all my myself, thanks to youtube on to navigation... youtube is the best, everything is up there.. haha...Look difficult but actually as easy as ABC, just like setting up any hotmail, gmail account.

And finally, I started playing L4D2 haha.. Everything watch my bro play look normal to me but didn't expect to be so diff to control. haha.. N after playing onli got one word to describe - dizzy. lol..
Ytd nv serve so sit wif cg, then go NTU to eat follow by NIE to play. It was fun looking @ them playing. haha...started wif "123 mu tuo ren", after that they play L4D-life version, I was quite impress how they can think of that. They started wif 2 human n the rest infected.

Aim: Survival mode- human had to stay alive for 15 min when the infected will go around hunting for the human.

Dorcas, Geraldine, Gracia n I also went for the searching after 12min coz we were curious that how come the human was no taken down yet. There were only 2 human but there were abt 8 infected. End up we manage to find 1 human which is Lucas hinding one corner but we kept quiet as we were not in the game so we remain as spectator. Another human(Brendan) was soon taken down by the infection before time was up.

Lesson learned: hiding in one good spot is enough.

Second play was opp way- 2 infected n the rest is human.

Aim: human got to be @ the base(safe room) after 15min. If any human haven come back after 15 min will be consider lose.

The game start off well. Han Wei was the first to get infected. haha..N Lucas claim that he know where everybody is hiding so if he was infected, the rest will be infected too n the human will be defeated.. However, not long after, they were all infected by the ultimate character-"TANK"(security) which make us all stunt.
Game over n time to go home, but after all I enjoy myself just by looking haha... =)

Hope u guys have fun too.

writtern @11:38 PM

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Welcome 2010!!!

2010 is indeed a great year so far..

I AM GOING SOT!!! yeah!! It will be a huge turning point in my life. =D

Resolution for 2010:
Character building
1)To be a person who look forward
Research had shown that only 8% of people will look forward. I hope I will be one of the 8%.
Let what had past remind in the past. We can never learn how to drive if we keep looking at the rear mirror.

2)To be a person who others can learn things from

I hope I will be a blessing to the people around me and I will be able to bring some inspiration to them n encourage them. mm..yah that will be great..coz can see some of my friends a bit aimlessly doing what they had to do, some are unhappy but still show happy on the outside..haiz...ps: if you are reading this, dun worry I am not talking about you..haha...cheers...

To be a increase my knowledge
This had been in my list every year. Always plan to read newspaper but every year never fulfill. haha...hope I can work hard on cultivating my habit of reading.

4)To have glo
I remember someone once said want to buy de lor, but till now I still haven see it.. =p Now price drop till S$ 111.51. Faster go n buy k, ..I know you will read this..haha..

5)Target for the an SOT award
The award that when I attend every lesson. What that name of the award??
Coz I think that's an award that I can work towards to, easiest among all..haha..=p

6)To master to art of being stress n not shown on my face
Erm.. I think a bit difficult coz I am a person where my expression will be written all over my face..haha..I am too honest that why I believe I can be a very good accountant/auditor..lol...

7)Find a job after SOT

Time to go back to the work force coz saving drain le..haha...time to recover soon...

yeah!! 7 Resolution for the year 2010, 7 stands for perfection. 2010 will be a great year...full of challenges ahead...

writtern @12:11 AM

Merry Christmas
Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks everyone for the gifts..haha..so many..like birthday like that..lol...

So fast, we going to end the year soon. 2010 is coming. I am quite amaze on how my year was spend. It's been an good n fruitful year n I'm getting more talktive..mm..is that a gd things?? mmm~~yah it is.. haha.. =p

writtern @12:00 AM