Saturday, April 03, 2010
Sch started for 2 week. So far sch was great,now can understand why got ppl told me that they were lose after SOT. I am begaining to feel it n it is only te 2nd week..=.=
10 books to finish n I completed 2, my team mate say I am fast but actually I am not coz deadline is 28 June -I target to finish 1 book per week, so actually I am not fast, I am just planning ahead, that's wat all my ushers leaders always taught-a leader must be able to forsee the things that may take place n start to think before hand how to overcome those problem. But some how I just can't forsee the problem tat will take place during ushering haha...I can onli forsee for my studies, mst have 1 month grace for others things...
And my mock cg is comin up in a month time, got 1 month to prepare, offering/wamth & worship..dl the eveluator form n under worship there were some points- "coordination with guitarist", "sense of rhythm and vocal quailty","are the songs in the right key?","spiritual atmosphere","facial expression & body posture" o.O faint~really need the grace of God. God HELP!!!
Buzy week recently, hope the coming week will have more time for myself..hee...