Random post
Monday, November 02, 2009
Random entries that just come across my mind:
Just now as I am reading, this verse caught my eye.
"If anyone serve Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My father will honor." John 12:26
It had been a great privilage to serve him actually. *grin* I tell you ah,it will be a very sad thing if one day God say:"I dun know you". I think if it was me, I will go n find a hole to hide first lor.
I believe it is a 2 way things just like what Dorcas use to said, we are like sponge, the water that we can absorb is very limit to our capacity but when the moment we start serving, we were like squeezing out some water out from the sponge and allowing more newer water to be absorb. As we give, we also receive in return.

And by serving also bring me more closer to God, coz not every time serving will be smooth one rite, surely will have some difficultly, last min problem, normally no one to turn to also coz everybody is busy, it will be the time when I will shout out to God:" GOD how? HOW? HELP ME!!! I will do whatever things you ask me to do."(I believe some of you will do what I did.) lol...
Sometime I may find serving tired and it was like a routine overtime but thinking backwards I can actually see how God had changes me n help me, how I started from scratch to who I am today. There was really a huge change in my life. Things I learn in church are really practical stuff n useful.
Knowing and serving God was definitely the most adventure things I have ever had. It was like you never know what will happen until take the step of faith and step into the unknown and BANG! there come breakthrough and experience. mm...This need to experience yourself one lah, hard to explain. haha... So if you are in your comfort zone, it's time to make some changes. =)